Emory Master Student Theses


18. Ajilé Owens (2021, Global Epidemiology, Thesis committee member).

17. Megan Bleakley (2021, Global Health, Thesis committee member).

16. Christie Hug (2021, Global Health, Thesis committee chair.)

15. Courtney Pico (2021, Global Health, Thesis committee chair.)


14. Janice D’souza (2020, Global Health, Thesis committee chair). Weight of Water: Who Carries the Burden of Water Interventions?

13. Cha Lee (2020, Global Health, Thesis committee chair).The Effects of Air Pollution, Land-use Types, and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index on Atopic Diseases at 12 Months among Children in the Greater Taipei Area.


12. Shivika Udaipuria (2019, Epidemiology, Thesis committee member): Factors affecting safe child feces disposal in Puri, Odisha: Results from a cross- sectional study.

11. William Koehne (2019, Epidemiology, Thesis committee member): The Effect of Latrine Features and Characteristics on Latrine Use in Rural Odisha, India.

10. Renee De Shay (2019, Behvioral Science and Health Education, Thesis committee member): Community perceptions of a multi-level behavior change sanitation intervention in Odisha, India: a qualitative study.

9. Rebekah Williams (2019, Behvioral Science and Health Education, Thesis committee member): A Qualitative Assessment of Mothers’ Perceptions and Behaviors in Response to an Intervention Designed to Encourage Safe Child Feces Disposal Practices in Odisha, India.


8. Breanna Wodnik (2018, Global Health, Thesis committee member): Development and Application of a Set of Novel Caregiver Hygiene Behavior Measures Relating to Stunting.

7. Elizabeth MacRae (2018, Global Health, Thesis committee member): 'It's like a burden on the head': Redefining Adequate Menstrual Hygiene Management Throughout Women's Life Course in Odisha, India

6. Abena Twumasi (2018, Global Environmental Health, Thesis committee member): "We had to bring the water in pain": Water and sanitation challenges among pregnant and postpartum women in Odisha, India.

5. Madeleine Patrick (2018 Global Health, Thesis committee member): Sociocultural barriers to water security among women in rural Odisha, India.


4. Candace Girod (2016 Global Health, Thesis committee member): Heart Friends, Pad Boxes, and ‘Bread’: The social ecology of girls’ menstruation in two Nairobi slums.

3. Gloria Sclar (2015 Global Health, Thesis committee member): Growing up in Tajikistan: A qualitative assessment of students' perceptions, experiences and knowledge of puberty to inform the design of culturally appropriate puberty books.

2. Sara Bresee (2014 Behavioral Science and Health Education, Thesis committee member): ‘A child is also a teacher’: Exploring the potential for children as change agents in the context of a school-based WASH intervention in rural Eastern Zambia.

1. Gauthami Penakalapati (2013 Global Health, Thesis committee member): ‘Boys don’t have knowledge about menstruation; they think it is a bad thing’-Knowledge and beliefs about menstruation among adolescent boys in Gicumbi District, Rwanda.